Sunday thoughts – 05/31/2009

Evangelism is easy.

Twice in the last couple of weeks, I have encountered a guy who lives here in my town. His name is Chris and, without knowing it, he has really challenged me.

I met Chris at the park. I was there with my family, he was there with his granddaughter and we sat and chatted for 20 minutes or so. People often strike up conversations with me just because I have an English accent.

When it was time to go, Chris shook my hand, said goodbye and then said the most incredible thing:

“I don’t know if you already worship somewhere but we worship at the Church of Christ and we’d love it if you’d like to join us some time.”

I was shocked. We hadn’t mentioned God at all the whole conversation and then there it was… and it was so easy.

I explained that I am a pastor and my children actually attend the school attached to his church and we said our goodbyes and left.

This guy is not on staff there, he’s not an elder or deacon, he’s what many people would call a layman.

That doesn’t stop him doing outreach though – and the way he did it was just so easy, non-confrontational and relaxed.

I saw him again yesterday. He was talking to someone at the car dealership where my car was being serviced. They talked about politics and taxes and all that normal stuff and then, just as he was leaving, he said:

“I don’t know if you already worship somewhere…”

It’s that easy to reach out, to evangelise, to invite someone to join you for worship.

…. So why don’t I do that?