What's your river Jordan (part 2)

I spent all day yesterday trying to work out what my ‘Jordan’ is, what it is that God wants me to step out into in faith. See yesterday’s post for a recap on the story of Joshua telling the priests carrying the ark of the covenant to walk into a flooded river.

As I wrestled with pinning down what my ‘Jordan’ is, I came up with the following three sets of questions, which get progressively more painful to answer. I thought maybe they would help you focus your thoughts a little:

  • What is God calling me to do?
  • What have I said NO to?
  • What do I refuse to give up?
  • What is holding me back?

OK, so they are quite searching questions which require total honesty with yourself. Are you prepared to truly ask yourself those questions? Are you prepared to answer honestly? If so then when you’ve answered them, move on to these harder ones:

  • WHY have I said no to God about something?
  • WHY do I refuse to give things up?
  • WHY do I hold back?

I told you they were a little harder. You have to be a little more raw and transparent with yourself to answer this set. Now come the really hard ones though:

  • How can I turn my NO to a YES?
  • How can I let go?

My advice is that, if you want to just keep on with your same old same old and not move deeper into finding what God is calling you to do, I wouldn’t even ask yourself those last two questions. If you ask them, expect God to hear and expect him to answer – then do what He says. 

It’s a scary and blind journey that God is leading me on and I truly hope and pray that you come on this journey with me. If you know that there is a river Jordan out there and God is telling you to step into the waters without any sign of his provision then seek out that river, seek out that calling and step out in faith.

God is always faithful. He will not let you drown or be swept away.