Encouragement comes at the most surprising times from the most surprising places.
I was talking to someone a couple of days ago who I haven’t seen in a while.
This man is a pastor, a teacher, a visionary leader in the Church and is someone I respect a lot.
Just in passing, he mentioned that he had been read my blog once or twice lately.
To me, it was like President Obama saying, oh, by the way, I swing by your blog every now and then to check it out.
This man is a lurker, he hasn’t left comments on any of my posts and I had no idea he was out there lurking around reading my ramblings.
Then, out of the blue, he makes a little comment about it. My spirits soared!
It’s an incredible encouragement to just know that someone reads your blog and comes back again every now and then.
Who cares whether they think it’s any good or not? They come by and read – and that’s why we write isn’t it? – to share what we’re thinking and learning.
If he’s reading this, he knows I’m talking about him – so THANK YOU!
To everyone else: You can encourage someone too. A little comment to someone whose blog you read or someone you notice at church or your spouse or child or anyone will go a LOOOOONG way.
It doesn’t take much to lift someones spirits and encourage them to keep going.
Just a little comment from you today could be all they need.
Who can you encourage today?
I have so many more lurkers than commenters! I started getting all these followers on twitter, only to find out that many of them have been long time lurkers.
Some people just don’t have anything to say. That’s not something I can relate to, but that’s what I hear anyway…
But it is nice to get feedback. Even if it is just “Umm….”
Peter this is the second time i’ve found myself being encouraged by you, to be more encouraging to others, thank you for this!
You’re welcome Gary.
It’s something that plays on my heart and mind a lot.
It;s so easy to do and yet we so often don’t take five seconds to encourage someone!
Yah Peter…
I love to encourage the saints! In my mind it plays like this…
Brothers and sisters almost always think less than God does of their circumstances and what He is doing in their life.
So, in essence, this concept of encouraging the saints is simply telling forth the mind of the Lord to their hearts- Words that penetrate our mind and reach into our souls, festering words of love and good things, of truth-from the throne room above-fresh and anointed.
I found your blog through Billy’s. I have enjoyed my visit here! You are so right, it does the heart good just to know that people take the time to read. On my blog I share my heart’s journey. When someone comes to visit and leaves a comment it speaks to me. They’ve read my heart written down. They’ve entered in and sought to know what is on my heart. It is truly a blessing!
I’m glad I came to visit today.
Thanks for coming by, Julie. It’s great having you here.
Thanks also for looking around and commenting. I’m going to check out your blog now.
God bless,