The whole Michael Jackson thing has really thrown me this week.
It’s not so much that I mourn his death but that I am realizing how little I do to actually try to share God with people.
I’m not talking about Christianity, I’m not talking about religion, I’m talking about introducing people to someone I have a relationship with – Almighty God.
I’m not going to say any more right now because I may say something offensive or even wrong, but just think about it… really, if you truly believe that people need to be saved, do you do enough to convince them of that?
This is going to be an interesting week on the blog. We have Gabe Taviano guest posting on Tuesday, I’m guest posting on HLAC on Wednesday, I’m guest posting on Shooting the Breeze on Thursday and then I’m answering questions on Friday (If you’d like to get to know me a little better, click here to ask any questions you have for me). Don’t yet know what my post will be about tomorrow but I guess we’ll find out together!
I think I know exactly what you mean, Peter. Nuff said. And y’all be sure to read Peter’s post on my blog Wednesday. Good stuff.
Quite thought-provoking…what if someone really entered MJ’s life and introduced him to the Living God?
And what am I doing to introduce others to Christ — the Way, the Truth and the Life?
Thanks for understanding, Erlinda.
When Jesus said go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation, I believe it meant be ready to share the good news with anyone. Realistically, I’m not going to be able to share it with everyone. I truly believe that more important than feeling the need to be a broken record of evangelism is a heart sensitive to seeing each and every person as and individual, and living in ongoing dependence upon the Holy Spirit to both listen and speak the Good News to each situation as He leads. We may speak nothing more than a smile which shines the light and love of Jesus to a person passing fleetingly across our path, and thereby hint that there is indeed hope in a dark world.