What do you think? – Tech Tuesday questions

qmarkWell, it’s Tech Tuesday once again and I’m finally going to risk writing a TT post. I’ve not done it since Gabe Taviano guest blogged for me and wrote a great post about Digital Disciples, I’ve been too shy of putting my small thoughts on the same tag as his!

Today I have a couple of questions for you – but first, let me get my geekiness out of the way and say that I upgraded my blog from WordPress 2.7 to WordPress 2.8.2 last night and, after a whole bunch of techie nonsense that I won’t bore you with, it went VERY smoothly. Kudos to WordPress for an excellent update system.

Anyway, what it all means is

  1. The upgrade fixed a lot of things that were broken (like the spell checker)
  2. It put me in a mood to update all my plugins, which was exciting
  3. While I was at it, I decided to start playing with a new theme.

So.. My questions to you are:

  1. What do you think of the new theme? What do you like? What do you dislike? What needs to be changed? Should I just go back to the old theme? (OK so that was 5 questions – don’t be pedantic)
  2. What do you think of monetizing blogs. If I ever link to a book, I link to it through my Amazon Associates account, which means that if you then buy the book, I earn a small commission. Do you think this is acceptable behavior?
  3. What about Ads? Not Google ads (I can’t stand them on blogs) but those block ads that a lot of people have in their side bars now. Are they good, are they bad, or do you not care one way or another?

I’m an unpaid pastor and stay at home dad and my jeans just developed a large hole in the back. I normally only get new clothes as Christmas presents – and it’s a long way till Christmas. That’s why these questions of making money from my blog are coming up. How do people feel about it?

I’m really not sure about the whole thing. I don’t blog to make money, I blog for community and to share what God is laying on my heart – but if I can earn enough from it to buy some more $10 jeans without losing the spirit and intent of the blog, is that OK?

Your thoughts please…