Highlighter day

Today I decided to get out my various highlighter pens and highlight a couple of things that I think you should see.

First off we have 52Zoos.com. The story behind 52zoos is just incredible and reading what God has done to make it possible and what he is continuing to do now is inspiring. Check out the website and also the personal blogs of the zoo visitors, Marla and Gabe Taviano!

Next we have RedHotMomma.net. Mrs Red Hot describes her blog as being about Passion, romance, intimacy and faith. I just love reading what she has to say and she has really taught me a lot about relationships and how the female mind works!

My third highlighter pen falls on some of the wonderful guest bloggers I have had. If you haven’t read some of these guest posts, I totally recommend reading them:

Finally, if you haven’t already seen it, I’d like to direct you to the blog of Mr Billy Coffey. Billy is the blogger that I aspire to be. In fact, Billy is the writer I aspire to be. If you don’t already visit What I learned today… start now. Seriously!

That’s it for my highlighter pens, what would you like to highlight today?