Celebration Saturday

Yesterday was the first day in almost a month where I could actually have a work day and get some stuff done. I don’t know when will be the next time I’ll have eight hours in a week to work let alone a day, so I was really very pleased that I managed to knuckle down and do some important things.

I started with a list of 43 tasks for the day and ended up having completed fourteen of them, so, while I can’t see the rest getting done before Christmas, at least I started making a dent in my to-do list.

That’s enough for me to shout PRAISE THE LORD and celebrate!

One of my many tasks was to finish editing and submit my story of answered prayer to HURRAY GOD!

Jeanette Sharp is collecting true stories of how God has answered prayers, which she will then publish in her HURRAY GOD! uplifting, inspirational book series.

If you have a story of how God has answered one of your prayers, Check out the website at www.hurraygod.com

I am also celebrating because Jeanette accepted my submission so, God willing, some time soon I’ll be a published writer!

It’s very exciting to me – and I praise God that my writing is moving forward!

Have a great weekend. Get out and be the Church to someone today!