When I invited guest posts from anyone who wants to write one (an offer which is still open, by the way) I knew that eventually I would come across a post that I wasn’t sure I was comfortable putting on my blog.
That day has come, but not in the way I expected. Deb Watson (Blog | Twitter) is a friend I met through the wonders of the internet. I had the privilege of reading and reviewing her incredible book, Kiss Goodbye, the true story of her daughter’s tragic death and God’s subsequent healing work in her life and we have been in touch with each other regularly ever since.
It has been great getting to know her but her guest post submission really floored and humbled me. I mulled the post over for some time wondering if I should publish it and eventually asked some trusted friends and family their opinions.
I was encouraged to share it with you, not to be prideful or big-headed but because it has come from Deb’s heart. I am grateful for it and am sure I’m unworthy of most of what it says but this blog is about Rediscovering the Church and Deb is a part of the Church so what God puts on her heart to write is a valid as what he gives anyone else.
This is what was on Deb’s heart as she wrote her guest post. Thank you, Deb, for sharing with us:
Different Kinds of Service
It is such an honor to write a guest blog on this site, “Rediscovering the Church.”
One morning this past May, shortly after the release of my book, I met Peter on Facebook. To this day, I am unsure who befriended who, but I am confident that it was of God’s leading. Before our meeting, I had little experience with blogs – I had never written one, and I had read very few. Peter, in his friendly manner, had responded on Facebook to some questions I had regarding marketing and from there grew a cyber friendship.
Peter, who has a pastor’s heart, has been a source of encouragement in ways I suspect he is totally unaware of. His blog has not only been an inspiration to my Christian walk, but has also taught me much about what it means to have an online social media presence. As Christians, we are called to be salt and light to a dying world – before my encounter with Peter, I never realized the impact that blogs, websites, and social media forums could have. Peter has seized this opportunity to bless others through his words.
Words possess an incredible power – the power to build up or the power to tear down. Because I have never met Peter in person, and perhaps, never will on this side of heaven, our communication has been totally dependent upon words—words that convey encouragement, hope, and direction. To quote Solomon: “A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” (Proverbs 25:11)
Peter does indeed pastor a home church – or perhaps I should say, Peter pastors from his home. Peter has taken hold of a unique way to shepherd the flock.
For myself, I am being challenged with new opportunities to serve Jesus Christ. The comforts of home are being stripped away as I step out boldly to proclaim my faith. At times, I am distracted by the knocking of my knees, but God is faithful. To be a servant of the Most High is the greatest calling I will ever receive.
What about you? How is God using you today to strengthen and build His Kingdom? Culturally, we are taught to look for the big things, but Jesus’ economy is different. Jesus will use every morsel we offer up to Him. Peter is using words, I am using new platforms, and you are using what? Acts of kindness, prayers, helps, serving, teaching, hospitality –what are you offering back to God as your service?
There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. (1 Corinthians 12:5)
Deb Watson
Very well said, Deb. I, too, have found so much encouragement from Peter – he has been salt, light, and yes, the only person who can bless you with the words "ham sandwich." May you be blessed in your walk with Christ!
Peter, I think you're going to have yourself a well-deserved love-fest here. Just sayin'
Thanks Candy. Not sure how I would deal with a 'Love Fest' though! 🙂
Deb, I couldn't agree more! Peter definitely has the gift of encouragement. God bless him!
Thanks, Helen
Ditto, Peter!
Great post, Deb.
Thanks, Bridget
I love your heart, Deb. Your wonderful spirit comes through in your inspiring words, which recognize the place each of us has in Christ's body. We have different callings, different gifts, different expressions. There's no reason for division or criticism when we recognize it.
Peter, I agree with her that I've never seen you do anything but bless others with your words. It's why I admired you the other day as one gifted with exhortation. I appreciate how difficult it is to accept admiration. So I'll simply say, "Lord, thank You for putting the gifts in Peter that You have, thank You for empowering him, and thank You for giving him a heart to share." To God be all glory!
Thanks for that wonderful post, Deb.
And I know you're not comfortable with such adoration, but I can assure you it is well deserved.
You honor those who are due honor (Romans 13:7). We know it’s God who has done the work in you so that you can be such a blessing! I felt really awkward about our pastor’s appreciation stuff, but someone on Sunday said something so true: by honoring our leaders, we are honoring God who gave them to us. That was humbling and amazing.
You too make a wonderful impact and there is no problem in letting people celebrate it!
Deb, you did a wonderful job using Peter as an example to encourage us to use our gifts to glorify God and minister to others- thanks!
Wonderful post, Deb. I agree with what everyone here has said. Thanks, Peter, for sharing yourself with the rest of us, and using your gifts to reflect what God has shown you.
I couldn't agree more with Deb. You are pastoring from your home. Praise God! He knows just how to encourage & bless us, via the blogosphere too!
Isn't God's timing the absolute best! After all October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Keep up the good work Peter and thanks for the opportunity to interact with more of the body of Christ!
Thank you, everyone for your wonderful comments and thank you, Deb for the excellent post.
I hope and pray that we all find ways to do what God is calling us to do both online and offline!