Child Sponsorship Week – Evangelism

Mission children in schoolA comment that Bernadette Gabon made on yesterday’s post really got me thinking and I want to share my thoughts with you today.

I realize that quite a few people who read this do not believe in God, or at least, don’t believe in him in the way that I do but many people who are reading this do and most, if not all of them, will agree with me that there is nothing more important than sharing the gospel.

Jesus was all about compassion. One of his defining characteristics was that he loved and had compassion on EVERYBODY – and he called us to do the same.

The passage I quoted from yesterday (Matthew 25) has Jesus at the second-coming separating ‘the sheep from the goats’. At that time, he turns to one set and congratulates them for feeding him when he was hungry, giving him a drink when he was thirsty, welcoming him in when he was a stranger, clothing him when he was naked, looking after him when he was sick and visiting him when he was in prison.

Those people ask him when they did those things for him. His answer:

“Whatever you did for the least of these, you did for me” Matthew 25:40

The other group get banished from his presence because they didn’t do any of those things.

It seems strange to me that the guy who spent his time on Earth telling people to repent and be baptized and who told us to:

“…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20

Would stress so strenuously the importance of doing good things for people. However, as Bernadette so rightly pointed out in her comment yesterday, “By doing this, we are evangelizing.”

You see, if we truly believe that Christ died to save us and that we have been given the free gift of eternal life, we MUST then want to share that with others. We must have the same compassion for others that Christ had, the compassion that drove him to be crucified for our sins, the compassion that gave up everything so that we could have life.

We must learn to see the world the way God sees is, to love the world the way God loves it and to have compassion the way God has it – and then allow that to infuse the very way we act. We need to evangelize by loving people and showing them that God loves them too.

Sponsoring a child in another country is a wonderful way of evangelizing. It’s no good just sending missionaries to TELL people the Good News, Jesus was telling us to go and SHOW them the good news.

What more wonderful example is there of the unconditional love of God than a complete stranger faithfully paying for you to have food, water, healthcare, education and more month in, month out for years? It doesn’t matter what that child has or hasn’t done, whether they ‘deserve’ the sponsorship or what the sponsor can get out of it, it’s a free gift that will change their lives – just like the free gift of salvation that the missionaries will tell them about.

You can evangelize today in a village in a far-away country simply by paying around a dollar a day to bring a child hope and show them the gospel in action.

Here are just some of the agencies you can sponsor a child through: