Exciting opportunity!
I have a website that I set up some time ago with the aim of giving advice to people who want to renew the spark in their marriage.
Whether their relationship is on the brink of disintegration or whether things have just gotten a little stale, my aim was to help them get back on track… and maybe even get to a better place than they have ever been before.
I am looking at revamping the site and adding new content, hopefully on an ongoing basis. The current site can be found at www.renewingromance.co.uk
I’m looking for anyone who feels they have something to offer and would like to write an article, or even some articles for the new site.
If you’d like to get involved, please either leave a comment on this post or email me using either the contact form or my email address from this site.
All articles submitted will be vetted for suitability and may be edited before inclusion on the site. Any edits made will be sent to the writer for approval before publication. A link to the writer’s website can also be included in the published article, if desired.
Many thanks,
Peter, I am passionate about boosting marriages. Partly because we are the bride of Christ and the analogies never end. A woman who is loved well by her husband has beauty which money and makeup can't buy. My mullet blog is rough, I'm a complete novice at writing, and I'm kind of blunt-but if there is anything you can use under the 'romantical' label or maybe 'lover of my soul' edit away! My husband is one of the few men who truly lives with me in an understanding way and leads by serving. I love sharing it. He has shown me the face of God more than anyone on earth.
Hey, Peter, great idea. As a former bad boy turned happily married man, I have a lot to say on this subject. In fact, that's what the Psalm 51 Miracle is all about. Let's talk.
I am hoping we can work together. We have the same goal. My wife and I currently host a daily show who's central focus is "romantic marriage" this is Christian show in which we draw from Biblical Principles to make our marriage better and more romantic. I dont know that I would have time to actually write on the subject but as your project gets going maybe I could reference some of your articles on the show and link to them and so on. Let me know if you think we could benefit each other in your project.
Brad McFadden
I shot you an email~! 🙂
I have been working on a post in my head about something similar for some time now…When I get it together, I'll submit it to you, and you can decide whether it works for your site or not.
The gist of it is that when the newlywed phase of marriage was gone, it is in my husband truly having the attitude described in Ephesians 5:25 that he became my hero, my night in shining armour, etc…
That is a really cool idea. You know I'll be sending you some stuffs.
I look forward to seeing what you write!
I've been working on a design for the new site. Check it out, if you'd like: