Thank you all for your help in deciding whether or not to change to a new blog design.
If you’re reading this through RSS, why not swing by and check out what it looks like now.
I’m open to suggestions for changes that could be made, I’m looking to tweak it to make it the most friendly and usable it can be.
You may have noticed that there are two spots for ads on the right-hand side now. If you’d like to advertise your site or product in one of those spaces, please feel free to contact me about it.
Have a great weekend, everybody!
I love this! Clean, sparkling, new….are you for hire? Great job, Peter!
Thanks, Candy.
For hire? Definitely… but I'm VERY expensive 🙂
No, seriously, I just take themes I find for free and mess with them a little to make them do what I want.
ahhhh. pink, brown, black and white….it looks great !!!! 🙂 me very happy
PINK? Ummm. I'm glad I could make you happy 🙂 LOL
I kind of like it, though the floating social media links is annoying cause they're so close next to the text on your blog, but I'm one of those people that read normal via RSS so it doesn't matter 🙂
The background does look pinkish. I like the look of the new site, now all you have to do is advertise my unrelated political and/or personal blog 😛
Ahh, you have a netbook with a tiny screen, right? I can see how those things would be annoying. They're annoying for iphone users too.
Did you see I got smiley faces working again just for you?
no, I'm on my desktop but thanks for reminding not to visit if on my netbook. My issue could also me screen resolution(?) I'm working on 1024 x 768.
And thanks! I actually love these smilies better then the last ones. They are so B) and make me 🙂 I <3 them, oh so much. You're a B) dude 😀
I like it!
Looks great! Nice and clean…
Clean is such an interesting word to use… but I know what you mean 🙂
How about fresh and crisp? I think 'clean' is odd… but it does describe the 'look'!
Hey, Peter,
I've got a big 'ol 16×9 screen on my laptop and it looks sweet. Very clean and neat.
Show off 😉
I'm glad you like it. Thanks!
oh – I much prefer this to the old one! It's so clean; I know exactly where to look to read!
YAY! I'm glad I made the change, it seems to be going down well with people.
Thank you!
You may count me among those who like the change. The other was so busy; it looked a bit like Times Square.
I despise it.
(Not really; I just wanted to be different!)
Peter – this new blog design is AWESOME. I'm with Kelly. Now, I know exactly where to read. Congrats on a lot of hard work, I'm sure!!