Happy New Year
I have no idea where I’ll be or what I’ll be doing this new year’s eve so in case I don’t get a chance to say it… Have a GREAT new year’s eve and may God bless you and your family in 2010!
Husband, Father, Author, Speaker and child of God
I have no idea where I’ll be or what I’ll be doing this new year’s eve so in case I don’t get a chance to say it… Have a GREAT new year’s eve and may God bless you and your family in 2010!
I have no great words of wisdom to write about love, many of the wonderful bloggers out there are for sure writing some great stuff about it today though over on the One Word at a Time carnival. If you want to see what love is though, love is the thirty two comments I’ve received […]
This blog has been a little light on posts lately and I’m very sorry about that. I’ve just been busy with Christmas and spending time with my family. Normal service will be restored soon, but not quite yet. Here’s why: My wife’s Grandmother just died and we are down visiting with the VERY large family […]
I have met some incredible people over the last year and a half that I have been blogging (and later tweeting). In fact, there is nobody that I have met who isn’t absolutely incredible. If I actually take a moment to stop and consider each person I know both online and offline, I see that […]
Below this blurb by me, you’ll (hopefully) see the NORAD Santa Tracker. As far as I can tell, there’s no way to actually embed the Santa Tracker on my site, so I’ve cheated a little just so you can see what I’m talking about. you can also go here to check it out in all […]
I’m normally fairly serious on this blog, but I’m not a totally serious person. I love to joke around and have fun so today, with Christmas just two days away, I decided to share a story I made up for a sermon once (yes, I actually used this in a sermon – I can’t remember […]
I am VERY excited about the new technology that is set to come onto the market in 2010. Apple’s rumored iTablet, the Sports Illustrated tablet and the potentially resurrected CrunchPad are among the fabulous new devices that are set to revolutionize everything from books, newspapers and magazines to how we access the internet and even how […]
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