I have received a book from a publisher for review which I think is poorly written and I really don’t agree with what it tries to teach.
I have a dilema though:
I don’t really like being negative, so what do I do?
Do I post a negative review or do I just discard the book and get on to the next one in the pile?
What would you, my wonderful readers, rather see? No review or a bad one?
I think you should write an honest but constructive review. Don't rip the author to shreds, but he/she won't be able to improve next time if you don't give some pointers. Eg, don't say 'This book is poorly written', but 'This book would have benefitted from a clearer structure and far less use of hyperbole' (or whatever). And definitely, definitely point out where you think the premise is wrong (again, constructively).
The purpose of reviews is to help people decide whether to spend their money and time on a book or not. If people who respect your opinions of books don't see a review of this one, they won't assume 'oh, it must be bad, I'll avoid it' but simply 'oh, Peter hasn't read this one'. Especially in cases where you actually disagree with the message of the book, I think it is pretty important.
I'm enjoying this blogging thing – glad I figured it out at last!
I'm glad you figured it out at last and are enjoying it. I try to blog every day (although I often miss a day every week).
I'm such a chicken. I guess I should write the review 🙂
Thanks, Jennie.
I totally cop out on this. I HATE to criticize, no matter how constructively I try to do it.
I reviewed exactly one book on my blog. I thought it quite mediocre but couldn't quite bring myself to say that. That first book review will be my last.
Well, probably. Unless I write one for Snow Day.
I completely understand how you feel!
Hi Peter 🙂
ok well I guess you could go either way on this, but if the publisher sent you this book with the intent that you read and review it good or bad than you should do just that. Give it an honest review based on your opinion. Because really thats what the bottom line is: it is YOUR opinion, not mine, not the girl next door, or the author of the blog you visit the most. BUT if your readers value your opinion then they will A. shy away from spending their hard -earned money or B. investigate it more and see if what your opinion is also concurs with what other reviewers that they respect are saying……
it said my comment was too long LOL imagine that so heres the rest..
Of course on the other hand if you don't feel obligated to the publisher or/ author and/or your readers who have come to know that you will give your honest opinion of materials you read/come in contact with, then you can just sweep it under the rug and forget about it. I'm sure there are many other reviewers some will show empathy and try to point out how the book could have been better and some will be just plain rude and call it trash with no hope. Either way, just rember if your readers arent hearing something from you about this book they are going to either hear it from somewhere else or buy the book and form their own opinion…..
ok this is the last time I promise 😉
Personally I hope you write the review because it like going and seeing a movie if its great , I tell everyone I know. If its so -so well then I usually keep my opinion to myself unless asked or if the subject it brought up. And If its horrible I try to tell any one that will listen and without trying to give away to much of the movie , just in case they still go see it, I try to sway them into picking another movie and not wasting their time and money. It may just be me but I am short on both and am thankful when others warn me about what may be a waste of things that are important to me.
Thanks, Erin. I think you covered every angle there! 🙂
I think I'm going to write a brief review… I'm not certain yet though 🙂
lol. Well, yeah, ya know I like to be thorough 😉
As someone who reviews books, and I am very far behind on that, I would say you need to write and honest but fair review of the book. I believe we, who review, owe it to the readers as well as the author of the book. Write what you think is wrong with the book and be fair. But I would say if you cannot be objective, for whatever reason, then toss it saide and move on. Sometimes no comment is better than a nasty one.
Just some thoughts for the day.
Thank you, Father. I appreciate your input!
I guess one of the problems I am having is with being constructive. I don't believe in the theology, the author doesn't give any conclusive evidence or arguments and the writing is poor!
Peter, I learned this one the hard way. I read two to three times the number of books I actually review — I only post reviews of what I consider the good stuff. I posted a negative review once — the writing was really good but the structure was problematic — and I was flamed by friends of the author. They all acknowledged the problem I identified, and it was a serious problem, but they flamed anyway because the author was "such a nice person." They flamed, napalmed, blowtorched and firebombed far beyond anything I said in the reivew. They even invented things I didn't say.
Had this been a general trade publishing book, I would have blown it off. But it wasn't. It was a Christian book; the author is a Christian; the author's friends were all Christian. But you wouldn't have known it by what they said. The firebombing I could deal with (it comes with being a reviewer). What I couldn't deal with was the venom and anger coming from Christians. It just wasn't worth it.
That was one of the things I was concerned about. On top of that, I have a good relationship with the publisher that I don't particularly want to damage while I'm looking to get published myself 🙂
Give an honest review, but try to do it i a constructive way. Some authors can handle it, some can't. I have given 3 so far, and only one author was highly offended, even though I praised the good points in her book. One way I look at it is they want my opinion in the review, so they get it. I try not to rip it to shreds and do my best to find something good about it
Thanks, Mark.
I appreciate wisdom from people like you who review books regularly!
As a Thomas Nelson book review blogger I had a similar problem with the last book I reviewed.
I asked and was told that they wanted to hear my true feelings, so I wrote tactfully but honestly, trying to find at least one good things to say.
It’s much easier when we love the book but I believe we’re called to speak truth in all things.
Ask and the Holy Spirit will guide your words.
I'm completely with you there!
I just wish I could like this book!
I want to read honest reviews.
God has allowed you to be His spokesman – you need to be true to your calling. Speak the truth in love.
Thanks, Deb.
Balance is important. Are there aspects of the book about which you might comment positively?
If a book has been poorly written and edited, a reviewer should say so and back the comments up with evidence. (I read too many reviews where a statement is thrown out but no evidence given to support it.) Does the writer meet the purpose of the book? Does the writer slant it correctly for the intended audience?
Also, could you write a review contrasting your and the author's perspective(s)? You mention you do not agree with what the book teaches? Don't leave it at that. What is that the book is trying to teach? Why in your view is it "wrong"? Is this a matter of opinion for which both sides might be compared and contrasted?
There are many ways to go at a review, whatever the subject. I've seen countless articles on dance performances that never "reviewed" the dancing but gave a lot of interesting history behind it. I've read very skillful reviews that let quote the book authors in ways that show the sloppy research or writing.
If you decide not to write a review, thank the person who sent you the book and perhaps explain in a sentence or two that you are going to take a pass. I consider it rude if I've taken time to ask someone to do something and the person doesn't even respond.
And pray. Your heart will tell you what the approach might be.
Great advice, Maureen. THANK YOU!
I can't stand to criticize, so I seem to always shy away from it (unless I'm married or gave birth to you, but I digress). BUT, constructive criticism is a useful tool. And your character won't allow you to slam this book, just review it honestly. So go for it. I'm grateful for people who can write honest reviews when a movie or book is bad, thereby sparing me loss of money and time.
You seem to have more faith in my character than I do 🙂
I didn’t quite have time to read all the comments, but I’ll keep it brief in case someone already said this. I think you should write an honest, but not harsh review. Try really hard to find some good points, but in the end, state clearly whether you can recommend the book or not.
I think of it more from the buyer’s perspective. They may be looking for a book on a certain topic, come across the one you read, and think it would be perfect. If you wrote a glowing review that you didn’t mean (which is not what you’re advocating), they wouldn’t see it was a waste of money or at least not going to help like they thought. If you say nothing, the same could be said.
You’re helping people with resources. That’s how I would look at it.
You're right, Jason.. and in the end I'm just little me, it's not like I'm Oprah telling a billion people that I don't like it!
Writing a negative review isn't my favorite thing either. But honesty is at the top of my list. I think you have to share your honest opinion. You have to think about your credibility.
I'm sure you can find some good points to soften the blow. But if everyone tells the author the book is great, we'll only keep getting more inferior work from them. It may hurt for a moment, but it's got to make it excellent in the long run! (Like snatching off a band-aid!) 🙂 Just do it!
Thank you for taking the time to share your opinion, Cindy.
I think that's good advice, I'm just trying to find a way to write it constructively now… and not succeeding!
I don't like to be misled. If I value your opinion, it's because I think you are a person of integrity and have insight and knowledge to base your opinion on. I also don't like to read negative stuff. I like constructive criticism. I like a tool I can use. I do have some questions though, is there anything about this book that would be useful in the spiritual and intellectual growth of someone? Someone with less or a different basis for evaluation? And what would you recommend reading instead of this book or after this book? I'm on a journey, and my journey is my journey. I never expect a modern book to be the end all, be all. If it's technical problems, fact problems, or good heavens, Theological problems, then you have to be forthright, which is different that being negative.
I have many problems with the book. The problem I really have is writing honestly but not harshly!
Thank you for some great input, Robin!
Do I post a negative review or do I just discard the book and get on to the next one in the pile?
toss it
What would you, my wonderful readers, rather see? No review or a bad one?
i would rather see either no review, or a review of something that you recommend.
Interesting, Nancy.
You're the only one who has taken that stance, but I completely see where you're coming from because it's partly how I feel.
There are some good arguments on both sides and please believe that if I choose to publish the review, it's not because I'm dismissing your advice. I'm taking it very much into consideration!
if you have constructive input, i believe that should go directly to the writer…and only the writer.
I've been dealing with thw same dilema. I know I promised to review the book (to publisher..you know…the free book thingie), but I was really insulted by some of the underhanded pot shots the book seemed to take at Catholicism. Not even a critique or an argument, but a dismissive comparison to voodoo, and then moving on until the next insult. The book really wasn't supposed to be about Catholic bashing or boosting. It was just some one liners the author found amusing.
To make matters worse, I couldn't even finish the book. I'd have to actually do that to write a review. But life is too short to get worked up just so that can rant, you know?
Sorry for the venting. I may just finish the book and write a negative review, but it must wait until I can subdue my anger. You know?
In your situation, I would stop reading it and post a review quoting some of the offensive lines.
I know there are lots of arguments and debates about whether this denomination or that denomination are truly 'Christians' but I don't believe that off hand bashing of anyone is acceptable.
I agree with Peter. You need to post that if is how you feel about the book. Although I would caution you…make sure that you're not reading more into it than what is there. The recent situation with Deadly Viper Character Assassins reminds us that once something goes on the net it can spiral in ways we never expected.
I think you should critique the book. It's very important to tell people the negatives and positives about a book. But, I wouldn't critique it if your only criticism is that it was poorly written. If you have criticism of the content and it's legitimacy or truthfulness, then that's when you should still do a critique.
Thanks, Sensico.
It's the truthfulness that I have an issue with, mostly. I think I'm going to write it. I think.:-)
It comes down to this blog reflecting you and your integrity. If you agree to do a review, you then should keep your word. If you don't like it, you should be honest with those who will be reading that review.
The thing with book reviews is that with some publishers, once you're on their reviewers list, they just keep sending you books whenever they feel like it without telling you. It's quite exciting to get home and find a package waiting for you with a bunch of new books to read.
The fact that they are essentially unsolicited means that you are not obligated to write a review, although I try to read them all and review them.
The first books I ever got were completely unsolicited. i got on a review list by accident… But I took the ball and ran with it!
So there's the thing. I never promised to review this book… I think I'm going to though.
It's tricky isn't it.
I can't agree that we should duck out of reviewing it at all – how does that help the person who goes out later and spends their hard earned money on the book that we don't rate?
On other hand, the author is a brother or sister who has – one assumes – has genuinely tried to honor and glorify God with their work.
I'd try to be as helpful and constructive as you can be with integrity, whilst 'signalling' your disquiet!
Thanks for the great advice, Paul… and for taking the time to read and comment.
Wow. Tons of comments on this one.
In seminary, I always found it was easier to fill the pages by nitpicking a book to death rather than singing its praises. That's just me. If you respect the author, give constructive criticism. If not, have a field day.
I am amazed at how many people are putting in their 2 cents worth. I LOVE it.
I need some gonads, right? 🙂
Eve though i have chickened out at times on the exact same thing, i think you should not. (:
Nice. Thanks Dave.
I tell you what, I'll write the review and put your name on it, then we're both not chickens any more 😉
An honest review is best, IMO. If it shows the book in a negative light, then so be it. But if you say WHY you don't like it, you may not necessarily be dissuading others from reading. The only ones you will turn away from the book are the ones who don't think like you. And isn't it great that we all don't love the very same things?
Thanks for your wisdom, Candy!