The Church is AWESOME

bcarnivalI am astounded by the incredible diversity and unity of the Church online. Boundaries which seem impenetrable in the real world are crossed daily, friendships are forged and experiences shared and enjoyed which transcend denominational, theological and historical limitations. There are no walls separating us by age, gender, race, nationality, location, position or appearance.

We are one Church, one body of believers, united by Christ and connected through the wonders of the Internet.

Every other week, Bridget Chumbley and I host a Blog Carnival. If you don’t know what that is, then in the simplest terms, we pick a topic and everyone writes a blog post on that topic an posts it on their website the same day. Either Bridget or I (depending on who’s hosting that week) then provide a place where everyone can share a link to their blog post, so that anyone and everyone can find all of the posts and go read them.

The carnival has been going for a couple of months now and I have been astounded by the number of people who have joined in, this week we had 42 entries! That number is especially surprising considering the topic this week was ‘grief’.

Thank you SO much everyone who has taken part so far, you are really appreciated.

One of my main aims in starting the carnival was to help the Church find each other. This blog is about Rediscovering the Church, and I’m discovering that the Church are amazing, if we just shut up for a moment and give them a chance to speak.

I love that people are getting a lot of traffic to their blogs and are receiving lots of comments on their posts. It’s wonderful to see people connecting like that.

We have:

  • Catholics
  • Non-denominationals
  • Orthodox priests
  • Baptists

… and any number of other denominations represented in the carnival and yet we can all find ways to intersect and share together through our real experiences with life and God.

The next carnival is over at bridget’s place on December 15th. The topic this time is ‘Church’. We’d love for you to join us in the carnival – and feel free to invite all your friends too!

One thing I have been trying to work out is how do we share the love more evenly? It seems that the first few people to post their carnival entries get a dozen or so comments and loads of visitors and then, by the time you get down to #40, there are only one or maybe two comments on each post. How can we even it out so that everyone is getting visits and comments?

Another question I have been wrestling with is how do we remind people that the carnival is coming. We use Twitter effectively for reminders but people who haven’t given in to the tweeters miss out. What can we do to include people outside of the twitterverse more effectively?

I made a proposed schedule of carnival topics (listed below) and have had some changes suggested (highlighted in red). What do you think? Is this a good schedule? What changes would you like to see?

  • November 3rd – Remember
  • November 17th – Community
  • December 1st – Grief
  • December 15th – Church
  • December 29th – Book (what’s the best one you read in 2009)
  • January 12 –Lust
  • January 26 – Love
  • February 9 – Joy
  • February 23 – Peace
  • March 9 – Patience
  • March 23 – Kindness
  • April 6 – Goodness
  • April 20 – Faithfullness
  • May 4 – Gentleness
  • May 18th – Self-Control