I am almost completely devoid of inspiration for today’s post.
I considered joining L.L. Barkat’s 12 Days of Self Promotion Where every day for 12 days you highlight a different blogger who you think deserves, well, highlighting. Problem is, I couldn’t cut it down to 12. I might change my mind tomorrow. Who knows?
So instead, I’ll do what all the cool people are doing and list the 7 posts of mine that had the least bad traffic in November. I know that was an odd way of putting it… but I’m odd, so get over it.
- Don’t Leave the ‘Social’ Out of Social Media. I have no metrics on this post because it was a guest post I wrote for Michael Hyatt but it got more comments than anything on my blog ever and, frankly, since it was on Michael’s blog, it had more readers stumbling across it by accident every hour than my blog sees in a week!
- Blog Carnival – One Word at a Time: Remember. OK, so this didn’t get huge traffic because of what I wrote, it got it because of the links to all the other carnival entries but, hey, life’s not about me and this blog is DEFINITELY not about me (most of the time). This is about rediscovering the Church. So yay for rediscovering the Church through an awesome carnival!
- Sunday Thoughts – 29 November 2009. This post is about praying for pastors. You don’t have to read it, just pray for your pastor. It’s as simple as that.
- Church Unity – by Anne Lang Bundy. Church unity rocks. Anne rocks. Anne’s guest post rocks… all the way to number four in the list! (That makes two out of the top four NOT written by me. Hmmm.)
- Adding an Email Address to your Site. This was actually part three of a series I wrote for someone who was complaining about people not adding their addresses to their websites. You should read all three… and take action!
- A Little Boy From Kenya – by Glynn Young. How do I get such great writers to write for my blog? I have no idea, but I thank God that they do! This is Glynn’s story of Child Sponsorship. Read it and then try to resist sponsoring a child yourself. I double-dog-dare ya! (Now, this is now three out of six not written by me… do you think the stats are trying to tell me something?)
- If Abraham had been a Writer. This was actually one of my favorite posts. At least, it was my favorite out of the one I wrote that day. One person, who shall remain nameless assumed that I was talking about Abraham Lincoln not Abraham from the bible. The post wouldn’t have worked nearly so well if it was about Abe Lincoln. You have to read it to understand.
So there you have it, my top seven blog posts of November 2009. Why I chose seven and how I worked out they were the top ones are questions the answers to which will remain shrouded in mystery. Like the truth about Area 51, who really shot JFK and why the brown M&M’s taste so much better than all the other colors.
In the interests of generating feedback, do you have the time to waste telling me which were your favorite posts on this blog in November? If you do (ore even if you don’t), then feel free to use the comment form below as a way to procrastinate from whatever you should be doing and tell me, which ones were your favorites?
They are all my favorite, Peter. But I did appreciate GY's suggestion of sending postcards to my sponsered child.I have a hard time writing to him because describing my life seems so unkind considering the poverty he lives in. And I don't have children, so writing about my family is short. There are only so many ways to say "I live with my husband and my mom." But the postcard idea is fabulous! That way I can write "I think about you and pray for you."
I also really liked Anne's post about unity. Lack of unity bothers me too…
Thanks for taking the time to procrastinate, Helen!
I really appreciate you reading my blog and taking the time to comment so regularly!
Well, let’s see– there was the Friday Round-up post where you mentioned a post of mine. Really thought that one was spectacular! 🙂
All kidding aside, you are consistently wonderful and thought-provoking (as well as your guest posters). Keep up the great work.
Thanks, Jason… interestingly, your guest post remains one of the least spammed guest posts on my blog ever!
It's obviously too good for spam!
Oh Peter, brown m&m's are too chocolatey… 😉
Brown or Red are the only ones to eat… Except I hear the blue ones are good for the heart or something,
Aiy yi yi. I'm just now making it back to my reader after a few days and see what I've missed?
Thanks, Peter. If I rock at writing a blog, I DON'T rock at commenting on them, as much as I want to. But I do make it around to peek in on blogs, if only as a lurker. 🙁