Welcome to the One Word at a Time Blog Carnival.
For the past year or so, the carnival has been hosted by Bridget Chumbley but she is taking a break right now, so she’s asked me to take over from her.
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Upcoming dates/words:
Dec 28 – Reflection
Today’s Entries: Rejoice
“Rejoice, Rejoice, Emmanuel has come to us”
“Joy to the World”
“Merry Christmas”
This time of year is a time of rejoicing, happiness and cheer.
At least, it should be.
I’m sure that many of the carnival posts today are on the theme of Christmas and why it is such a time of rejoicing and happiness. I’m going to let them talk about that – and they’re right, Christmas IS a time to rejoice but something happened this weekend which stood in stark contrast to that.
On Sunday, I received an email bringing me the sad news that the husband of one of my cousins had died suddenly and unexpectedly. The cause of his death is as yet unknown, all we know is that he is no longer with us and he leaves behind a wife in her thirties and two young children.
A short while after receiving that email, I tootled off to church with my family and sat through a program all about the joy of Christmas.
The performances by the children were excellent and the message was true, well presented and fun to watch, yet I couldn’t help thinking about my cousin and her children who must be feeling anything but joy right now.
How can they rejoice when their husband/father has been taken away from them so suddenly?
Mixed Feelings
Of course, there is the aspect of rejoicing in all things with God but these are human beings who have lost the person who was closest to them. This will be a very sad Christmas indeed for them.
In fact, every Christmas from now on will be tinged with the memory of this year. The sadness will fade a lot over time, but there will always be a touch of sadness going hand-in-hand with the joy of Christmas.
It reminded me that as we rejoice in our Savior’s birth and the celebration of all that his birth meant, there are many around us who have reasons not to rejoice at Christmas, who ‘put a brave face on’ but inside are crying with pain.
Let’s remember those people this Christmas and lend some compassion and consideration to them even as we rejoice and celebrate the wonder of Christmas.
Do you know anyone who won’t be ‘rejoicing’ this Christmas?
What can YOU do to offer them support and encouragement?
My wife’s grandfather died just a week or so before her birth–on Christmas day. Her mom says they needed the joy of that event to take away some of the pain of the other. It is a stressful time of year for a lot of people. Those with painful memories, those scraping by, and those not even scraping by. One of the things were doing as a church is trying to help 3 families in our congregation who are in need. It’s a tough time of year and winter in Alaska is a really tough times to not have ends meet. Anyway, we’re not a huge church but we’re glad to do out part and help someone else find a way to rejoice. Thanks Peter!
In the miedst of rejoicing, there is sorrow. And in the midst of sorrow there is joy. It’s the life we’ve been blessed with. Thanks for hosting, Peter.
Hi Glynn,
I like your post but I can’t leave a comment on your blog. I’m using WordPress. I don’t know how Peter did it.
Hi Jojo. That’s one of the things I hate about Blogger… and one of the many reasons why Glynn should graduate to WP (hint hint, Glynn 🙂 )
To leave a post on Glynn’s blog, you need to log in with your normal Google account details (if you have one). You don’t have to have a blogger account, just a google account.
It’s always easier to give comforting words from a distance, but the truth of the matter is that losing someone at any point in your life taints the holidays that are supposed to be filled with joy. The reality is that it sucks. Life will never be the same. But God is still bigger.
So sorry to hear about your cousin and her family. Tragedy doesn’t take a vacation around this time of year, or any time of year, really.Praying for strength.
Hi Peter. I know that my sister will be touched by your words here and will be comforted to know that she is in your thoughts and your prayers. I looked up the opposite of ‘rejoice’ and the words that come back are ‘mourn, grieve, sorrow’ couldn’t be more apt … we are truly living with the other side of the rejoice coin at the moment. It’s hard to find any joy in our sorrow but my sister’s strength of spirit is inspiring and I know that it has drawn all of us closer. Amongst the moments of personal despair and disbelief there are already moments of gratitude and remembrance which I will be grasping ever more tightly as we approach christmas. Give everyone there a hug for us.
You make a great point, Peter. I lost both my parents this year, so Christmas isn’t going to be the same joyous occasion as in years past. I still have reasons to rejoice, but it’s bittersweet. I definitely appreciate those who have already shown me such grace by understanding that.
Thanks for hosting us.
So sorry to hear that Peter. Praying for comfort for your cousin’s family.
Prayers ascending —
I can’t seem to get my link to take — I’ve joined the carnival and posted here http://hisfirefly.blogspot.com/2010/12/rejoice-yes-rejoice.html
I’ve put it in for you.
Worked first time for me. That’s weird!
Lovely to meet you here, Peter. I am not linking up this time but will be back in the future. And thanks for your thoughts on loss during this time of year. My husband’s mom died in September, so it’s a tough Christmas for him and my father-in-law. Having kids and witnessing their joy in the holiday distracts us a bit, but doesn’t take away the loss entirely. I am so sorry to hear about the death of your cousin’s husband. Prayers for her and her children today, that they may find strength and hope.
I am so sorry for your family’s loss.