Welcome to the One Word at a Time blog carnival.
This week’s word is: Sacrifice
You are welcome to join in either by writing or reading or both. If you write a post on the topic of sacrifice, add your link to the little widget below so we can all find it!
Remember, if you tweet your post or any of the others in the carnival, please use the hashtag #owaat.
Thanks. Enjoy!
Here’s my offering:
What Do I Know About Sacrifice?
What do I know about sacrifice?
What have I ever given up?
What have I ever lost?
When Have I sent a loved one off to war?
Fearing they would never return
….and when was I the one that went?
When have I left the comfort and peace of home
To take the good news to the lost?
and when did I even do it here?
What right have I to speak of sacrifice?
What can I even begin to say?
Do I sacrifice at all?
My Saviour gave more than I have ever had.
He died on the cross even though he was God
He gave his all for me and you.
I’ve never sacrificed, never taken that step.
So I have nothing to add
Nothing at all. Have you?
Peter, you may not think you’ve ever sacrificed, but I’ll respectfully disagree.
Then I’ll respectfully tell you I’m not sure what you mean…. unless you’re talking about putting up with a certain slave-driver web designer 😉
Well, there’s that…
I agree with Katdish. Sacrifice comes in all forms, shapes and sizes. I think you’d be surprised to find out how you’ve sacrificed. Investigate… =D
It’s certainly not the same as what God has done for us (and never could or would be), but God sees our little sacrifices (like the widow’s mite) and it honors Him. A broken and contrite heart, He will not despise, and for that, I am grateful. Thanks Peter.
Thanks, Jason.
What we do is so small compared to what he’s done. And all he asks is that we accept it. that’s it.
Wise words, Glynn.
Thank you.
Every time we say ‘yes’ to God we offer that sacrifice as a gift, however small or large. We think it is the mighty things, the life-and-death things, the change-the-world things that are worthy gifts. He asks not for us to do some thing, but to simply love Him and one another.
Hmmm….I’ll have to ponder that poem, Peter.
i am thinking that perhaps God’s sacrifice lives through us every day. Every moment we are putting something down from this life as we draw closer to death we are being taught to draw closer to Him. His sacrifice of Love works through us in each moment as we live it, and even after we are gone… in work that He has done through us.
So, i think that sacrifice is part of our life of God in us. Because of God in us.
It is part of what is happening in us, and through us.
i see it as part of what God is, part of what God’s Love is, and what is taking place in the moments that He can work through us in that Love. And He does…through our weakness. It happens right where we are.
now, that is wonderful.
Nothing we have given up compares to His sacrifice. The beautiful words in your poem cause one to question what shall I give when He has given all.
Compared to HIs sacrifice, we offer nothing. But as His children, whom He loves, He sees the little things we do for love of HIm.
There’s definitely no comparison, Peter. Whatever “sacrifice” we set next to his, ours will always be inferior. But that is another way that his glory is revealed. We can never match him. I’m grateful.
Thanks for provoking thought. And for graciously hosting us.
I’m thinking every time we say no to self, we offer a sacrifice that’s a sweet fragrance to Him.
You speak my heart as well Peter, when I ask “Who am I? What have I?”
Graet word to explore.. we could wander here for quite a long time.
Very beautiful poem, Peter.
It makes us feel humble before Him, not despising ourselves but knowing that we are not worthy of His sacrifice. Yet, He did it anyway, out of love.
I’ve visited your site for awhile now, and finally joined in! Your poem is quite heart touching . . . thank you for making us think now of the ultimate sacrifice.