Sacrifice – Blog Carnival

Welcome to the One Word at a Time blog carnival.

This week’s word is: Sacrifice

You are welcome to join in either by writing or reading or both. If you write a post on the topic of sacrifice, add your link to the little widget below so we can all find it!

Remember, if you tweet your post or any of the others in the carnival, please use the hashtag #owaat.

Thanks. Enjoy!

Here’s my offering:

What Do I Know About Sacrifice?

What do I know about sacrifice?
What have I ever given up?
What have I ever lost?

When Have I sent a loved one off to war?
Fearing they would never return
….and when was I the one that went?

When have I left the comfort and peace of home
To take the good news to the lost?
and when did I even do it here?

What right have I to speak of sacrifice?
What can I even begin to say?
Do I sacrifice at all?

My Saviour gave more than I have ever had.
He died on the cross even though he was God
He gave his all for me and you.

I’ve never sacrificed, never taken that step.
So I have nothing to add
Nothing at all. Have you?