Follow Friday – #1

Welcome to Follow Friday! Every Friday, I’m going to try to recommend some people whose blogs you should be following. Today, everyone happens to have a name beginning with the Letter T. The four people/blogs are:
Husband, Father, Author, Speaker and child of God
Welcome to Follow Friday! Every Friday, I’m going to try to recommend some people whose blogs you should be following. Today, everyone happens to have a name beginning with the Letter T. The four people/blogs are:
Today is the second part of a two-part interview with Trey Morgan, one of my ‘Modern Day Heroes of the Faith’. In it, I asked some questions which I hope will give us some insight into how he thinks and how he manages to keep walking out his faith even with all the pressures of […]
Today, I’m starting a new weekly series on my blog called ‘Modern Day Heroes of the Faith’. Many of us have ‘heroes of the faith’, Christian men and women who lived their lives in such a way that we can easily point to them as examples of how Christians should live. The problem is, most […]
Preconceptions A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of speaking to someone on the phone who I had previously only known online. I’ve gotta tell you, I was SHOCKED! The gentleman in question is Trey Morgan (Blog | Twitter) and I should have guessed what his accent was like but to be honest, […]
I have had the great honor of helping Trey Morgan (Blog | Twitter) move his blog from the blogger setup he has had for the last three years to a new hosted WordPress installation. There are many reasons why someone would want to move and there are many reasons why someone would stick with what […]
*************************BIG UPDATE!!!!************************ Bread For A Hungry World ( has offered to match up to $25,000 for the Dump Fund. At the time of writing this, they’re at $19,000. Every penny you can give will be doubled! Imagine what they could do with $50,000!!! Instead of just feeding people at the dump, they can actually start […]
Welcome to the first RTC Blog Carnival. The idea is simple. Anyone and everyone who wants to join in just needs to write a blog post on the word ‘OBEDIENCE’. (This was inspired by Bridget Chumbley’s One Word at a Time blog – credit for picking the word ‘obedience’ goes to Ginny from Make a […] 2025 | All Rights Reserved