I just read a blog post by Joe Gartrell (http://joegartrell.blogharbor.com/blog/_trackback/2630763).
Joe sent a friend a check as a gift for Christmas but the days went by and the check did not clear his bank account.
Eventually, Joe called to enquire why the check had not been paid in to the bank and it turned out that the friend had received so many Christmas cards that he didn’t have time to open them all and was fairly selective about the ones he opened. Apparently, he didn’t recognise Joe’s card and skipped over it, missing the gift inside.
This reminded me of another gift that was given at Christmas. A gift that many people don’t recognise and pass by.
The gift I’m thinking of gets so jumbled up in all the other gifts that have been given that a vast number of people don’t recognise the sender and don’t realise it’s a gift.
The gift just gets mixed in with everything else and most people think it’s just ‘spam’ when it comes to them and they discard it unknowingly.
The gift is Eternal life. Salvation from sin. Release from condemnation and guilt and an everlasting relationship with our creator as His child.
This year, will you help people recognize the gift among all the ‘junk mail’?
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23 (NIV)
Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.
 Rev 22:17 (NIV)