Happy New Year!

I was going to write a really inspirational end-of-2008/beginning-of-2009 post… but I couldn’t come up with one.

Then I found the excellent post by Chazzdaddy on Small Town…Big Impact and realized that the very best I could do is to paraphrase his post  so instead, why don’t you just go read it!

It’s awesome!

AndyC also wrote  great post as part of Red Letter Believers’ challenge: Taste and See, Reflections of 2008 so I thought I’d add a few reflections on the year.

God is good! ALL THE TIME! some of the time we just don’t notice it though.

More specifically we ignore or even reject it.

That has been the theme of this year. 

The past few months have been a time of God dragging me back toward Him – something He has had to do even though He has been showing himself to me quite overtly throughout the year.

My wife and I have been blessed to get a new baby daughter this year and my wife’s 3 sisters have all also given birth so the family has grown by 4 in one year!

I have made some wonderful new friends, many in the blogsphere like Kevin Martineau, AndyC, Sherri, Jamie and Mike Ellis. Special mentions have to go out though to Joe Stallard who is a wonderful blessing from God and the incredible Rob Vanden Bos who has become a mentor and apostolic influence in my life and for whom I truly thank God.

As I look back this has been a year of one step forward, two steps back but our God is so faithful and patient and I really hope and believe I’m beginning to get somewhere now.

This coming year I want to serve God more fully and give my life to Him more completely. If He’s as patient with me in 2009 as he was in 2008, that will probably become more of a reality.

God is so faithful and so amazing! I want to give Him my all!

 Happy New Year everyone. I pray that God works as much in your life this year as He did in mine in 2008!