I'm BACK….. I think

I just wanted to say that I have really appreciated your prayers and messages of support and encouragement over the past few weeks.

This is what the Church is all about and this is the Church I am rediscovering. This is the Church that God made us to be, a Church which cares and loves without walls or boundaries.

I have never met most of y’all in person or even spoken to you on the phone and yet you treat me as family, and I try to do the same to you.

That’s the Church about which Jesus said “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:35

A few people have commented that they are glad I’m back in the blogsphere. Well, I am back, but then I’m not at the same time.

Part of this is down to me having my wisdom teeth out this week and currently spending most of my time a little high on painkillers. This is not the best time for me to try to write intelligibly!

I want to write either tomorrow or early next week about one or more of the things that have been keeping me away from blogging.

Hopefully things will become clearer then.

Love you all
