Expecting – book review

I am so excited about this book!

Marla Taviano’s latest book, ‘Expecting: Praying for your child’s development – body and soul’ is completely awesome. In fact, I could easily run out of superlatives to lavish upon it.

Walking with you through all 40 weeks of your pregnancy, ‘Expecting’ explains the changes in your body, the stages in the growth of your baby and, most important, the need for you to pray for your child even as he is growing in your womb.

Focusing on a different aspect of your child’s development each week, ‘Expecting’ teaches you something new every week and gives you a prayer to pray for your growing baby.

This is a great book to help mothers bond with their babies and pray for their health, growth and spiritual future.

Every pregnant woman should have one. Buy a stock now so you have one to give to every pregnant woman you meet!


Expecting: Praying for Your Child’s Development-Body and Soul is published by Howard books and is available from all great bookstores. If your local bookstore doesn’t stock it, tell them they should rectify the situation immediately!