Too many RT's

rtFor those of you who don’t Twitter, Why not? You’re really missing out… Oh, sorry, that’s not what I was saying…

For those of you who don’t Twitter, RT stands for ReTweet and it means that you’ve seen a message that someone else has ‘tweeted’ and you copy it so all of your ‘followers’ can read it. RT is used when people send something funny, incredibly informative, or they link to something you think people should read.

Today I felt like I spent an hour just RT’ing people’s links. They were all so good, that I felt I had to highlight them a little more.

So here are all the links I ReTweeted this morning:

Great general posts:

Then we have a couple of Best of the Week roundups:

Finally, we had an unusual number of posts about blogging today:

I hope you enjoy and learn from all of these posts today. They’re all worth reading!