Decision time: The Hole in our Gospel

Can I really read this?

Richard Stearns and I are in agreement about one thing: The gospel has become so watered down, in many places it’s now nothing more than fire insurance.

Let me explain.

Most of the times that I’ve heard the Gospel preached, it has ended with little more than a call for people to “Repeat this prayer after me so you won’t go to hell.” There is little or nothing about changing your life, allowing Christ to enter in and begin the refinement process. It’s all about what we can get, not what we are prepared to do.

I believe this is completely wrong. Salvation is about life change, not just repeating a few words without ever meaning them in our hearts.

Which all brings me to this book, The Hole in Our Gospel: What does God expect of Us? The Answer that Changed my Life and Might Just Change the World by Richard Stearns, President of World Vision, USA.

I started reading this book tonight, which I received as part of the Thomas Nelson Books for Bloggers program. I hadn’t read much of it when I realized that it was going to be one of those ‘life changing’ books.

The problem is, I’ve read a few ‘life changing’ books recently (John Avant’s If God Were Real and Jackie Chan’s Crazy Love being amongst them) but what actual change has there been in my life?

The answer: Very little, if any.

So I’m in a quandary… I’m sure this book is going to be a great read but I don’t want to read it as just a great book, if I commit the time to read it, I want my life to be changed by what I learn.

If the amount of life change I’ve experienced from the books I’ve read recently is anything to go by, I’m not in a place right now where I’m prepared to be changed – so maybe I shouldn’t read it right now.

What do you think?