Happy Birthday – Everyone

birthdayToday, October 26th, is Nick the Geek’s birthday.


(you can find Nick at his blog or on Twitter, if you want to wish him a happy birthday)

I’d like to take this opportunity though to celebrate the whole Church, not just Nick.

Birthday’s are a special time to take a day to recognize and give thanks for the gift of life that God has given us.

Of course, we remember and thank God for his gift of life and new life in Christ every day, but I believe it is good to make a special day of celebration every so often – and yearly seems as good to me as any other.

This blog is about my journey to Rediscover the Church, to find out who they are and just how broad and diverse our family truly is.

With the millions, or even billions, of family members out there, there is no way I could mention them all by name on their birthdays (I simply don’t know all their names… yet) and besides, I’d have to do a birthday celebration on this blog every day.

So today, as some of us celebrate that God has given Nick one more year of life, I would like to you to join with me in celebrating the birthdays of the whole Church.

To God be the glory for the life he gives us and the wonderful gift of salvation through his son, Jesus Christ!

Happy birthday, everyone, whenever your birthday might be. I’m sure glad that you’re part of the family!