I'm still thankful

onewayThanksgiving day is a day of challenge.

Will we only on that one day remember to be thankful for all of the blessings we have been given or will we continue to be thankful throughout the year?

I am personally taking it as a spring-board, a starting point, from which there is only one way to head – the direction of continued thankfulness.

Please, please feel free to keep me accountable to this throughout the year. If you catch me being ungrateful or not being thankful, you have my permission to give me a kick back in the right direction.

To continue my thankfulness from yesterday, I have tried to recognize all of my twitter friends by grouping them into lists. It’s a small, pathetic gesture really but it’s one way I could think of to tell all my tweeps that I appreciate them and am thankful for them.

I highly recommend that you follow all of these people. Here are the lists:

Then, most importantly:

Now, I’m sure I’ve messed up with some of you. I’m sure I’ve missed important people and not put some of you in groups you should be in and put you in groups you shouldn’t be in so here’s the deal…

I’m human – and I apologize in advance for any mistakes I’ve made. Please don’t be offended, just let me know in the comments below what I’ve done wrong and I’ll fix it ASAP!

I’m so thankful for all of my online friends, both on twitter and on facebook and I look forward to getting to know you all a lot better in the coming months and years!