No Tech Tuesday

laptopI am VERY excited about the new technology that is set to come onto the market in 2010.

Apple’s rumored iTablet, the Sports Illustrated tablet and the potentially resurrected CrunchPad are among the fabulous new devices that are set to revolutionize everything from books, newspapers and magazines to how we access the internet and even how we use the telephone networks.

I’m a geek at heart, I just love to get my hands on new devices and lose myself in playing with them for hours and hours on end.

This bi-weekly spot on my blog is dedicated to helping people use technology, whether it’s new devices or online technologies in the best possible way to assist them in reaching their goals.

Today though, I want to talk about the balance that is needed with any technology you may use.

Sometimes You Need To Step Away

Smartphones, laptops, eReaders, tablets, netbooks, twitter, facebook, friendfeed, blogs – the list of devices and technologies that demand our time and can suck us into a spiraling vortex of constant updates and status checks is endless.

You and I can probably justify the need for any and all of these amazing devices and websites but they have to be used in balance with real world interaction. You must never completely replace spending time with people ‘offline’.

I encourage you to find and maintain a balance between using these tools and being fully present in the real world.

While I promote the use of technology and exhort people to manipulate it to their advantage as much as possible, I also believe in the value of (and need for) face-to-face human interaction.

We NEED Physical Relationships

Physical relationships with your family, friends and co-workers are an essential part of the human experience – and I believe that we are hard-wired with a need for them.

So today, instead of giving you some advice on how to better use technology, my advice is simple:

Make sure you take time every day to step away from your electronic devices and enjoy the richness of the friendship and companionship of those around you. Stop using ‘social media’ and instead, simply be sociable.

Question: Do you find it easy to balance your online time with offline time?