The Ten Dollar Challenge

Ten dollars may not seem like a huge amount of money but it can change a life, even here in the USA.

When we think about changing lives, we think of permanent solutions, like providing clean water to a village in Africa or building a family a new home but life change can happen through the smallest acts which give a huge emotional lift.

A Surprise Gift

A couple of months ago I received an email from PayPal out of the blue, the subject of which read: You’ve got funds!

What? From whom? and how much?

Turns out it was ten dollars sent to me by a wonderful internet friend. No explanation, no warning, just ten dollars given out of love and kindness.

Ten dollars can’t change my world.

  • Most days we feed eight people at dinner time and ten dollars would barely cover the cost of the food and drinks.
  • Ten dollars wouldn’t even pay for one day’s worth of electricity in my house
  • Ten dollars pays for gas in the car for less than three days.
  • I’m not going to even try to calculate the percentage of my monthly mortgage it pays but it would only pay for us to live in this house for a few hours.

Physically, ten dollars doesn’t help us very much at all it just got lost in a sea of bill payments… but psychologically, that ten dollars gave me a lift that no mere words or platitudes could ever give.

Keeping Me On Track

That ten dollars told me I was appreciated and loved, it literally meant that someone was willing to put their money where their mouth is and send me a gift. The size of the gift was irrelevant. It was the heart behind the gift that made all of the difference for me.

That gift kept me on the right track. It kept me looking ahead and moving forward, it reminded me that I don’t know the future, but there is One who does and he is holding me securely.

Not long ago it became my turn.

Pass it on

I was reading the blog of a woman who I greatly admire for her and her husband’s willingness to trust God with their finances and their seemingly insatiable generosity while doing so. As I was reading about what she was doing to serve others, I heard that still, small voice deep down in my soul saying “It’s time to pass the ten dollars on.”

When I heard that, I didn’t hesitate to track down their email address and send them ten dollars through PayPal. I knew what it had done for me and was anxious to do the same for them.

I don’t know what effect that gift had on them and I might never know, but I do that sending it was absolutely the right thing to do – and I’m more than satisfied with that.

Billy’s Challenge

Billy Coffey is challenging us all to give ten dollars as a pure, unsolicited act of kindness whether it’s to a friend or a total stranger.

See the challenge here and then visit his blog carnival to read other people’s experiences and get involved yourself.

You don’t have to have a blog to get involved, but if you do it would be great if you could share your experience to challenge and encourage others to join in!