Trying to Restart

I’ve pretty much disconnected from everything lately in an attempt to save my sanity and health.

Last Thursday, I tried to get back into the swing of things again… slowly at first.

Thursday was good. I got a few things done. reconnected with a couple of people and had a fairly productive day, all things considered.

Friday didn’t go so well.

Saturday the stress returned in full measure.

I think I must have pushed it too hard, although I didn’t feel like I was pushing it at all!

My wife works tonight and tomorrow night and then she’s off for eleven days. I’m hoping that in those eleven days I’ll be able to get some time alone and reconnect with God – and then the world.

You see, I realised that all of my working life, I have been at my best and most stable when I get plenty of time alone. Ever since 1996 I’ve had jobs where I’ve been able to spend much of the day alone, working in peace and quiet either in my car driving or hidden away in a computer room somewhere.

My life now doesn’t offer me that. Caring full time for three young children doesn’t give peace, quietness or alone time.

I think that’s what I’m really missing and needing!

Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement. It’s mind blowing to get emails from people I hardly know telling me that I’ve been on their heart or God has been telling them to pray for me.

I really appreciate you all and hope that soon I’ll be able to give something back to this wonderful community. I don’t deserve the love and grace being extended to me!

Oh… and don’t forget the blog carnival tomorrow. The topic is: LUST! (Bridget is hosting it again)