What Does Your Site Say About You

First impressions count.

Everyone knows that. It’s no secret. However, how many of us actually remember that and think about the first impression we make.

People make judgments about who we are, our character and how much they like or dislike us within the first few seconds of meeting us.

I have become increasingly convinced that the same is true of people who ‘meet’ us through visiting our blogs and websites.

Yesterday I made an amusing yet important error by making an incorrect assessment of someone though their website.

The website was www.yoursecretname.com a beautiful site designed by Gabe Taviano.

The site is set up to promote a new book my Kary Oberbrunner unsurprisingly names ‘Your Secret Name’.

I visited this site not knowing who Kary Oberbrunner is and immediately made an assessment that Kary is a woman who knows a lot about marketing books – and I commented as much to Gabe through twitter.

Gabe responded that Kary and he were having a good laugh because Kary is, in fact, a guy.

Ooops. Sorry Kary.

My best guess is that the female imagery on the website made me think that the author was, in fact, the woman pictured.

It made me wonder… What do people think about me based on how my blog looks? What impression do I give?

That’s probably something we’d do well to all think about occasionally.

What does your website say about you?