Let’s be honest. You and I spend a lot of time thinking things through. In fact, we probably spend too much time thinking things through sometimes, don’t we?
A constant refrain coming from my mouth whenever my children are around is, “What were you thinking? Why would you do that?”
Then I get frustrated when the answer is, as it invariably is, “I don’t know!”
I spend a lot of time trying to teach my children to think about their actions and the possible outcomes of what they are going to do.
We all do, don’t we? We want to make sure that they don’t step out without looking, without thinking and get mown down, either physically or figuratively.
It’s wise to think things through, to not act rashly but to ensure that you know exactly where you’re going and how safe it is before you go anywhere.
Unfortunately, this attitude all too often keeps us from reaching our true potential – and from realizing our goals and our callings.
Sometimes you have to set aside everything you’ve learned about forward planning, risk assessments and cost analysis’ and throw caution to the wind and just step out, in faith.
One of my hero’s George Mueller lived a life which exemplified this faith-filled, logic defying paradigm, I thoroughly recommend that you read his autobiography. It’s eye opening the things that he achieved in God’s strength because he was prepared to step out in faith rather than miss his opportunity because he was second-guessing God.
Of course, I’m not suggesting here that you jump at any flights of fancy your daydreaming mind might conjure up but rather I’m suggesting that we need to listen to God more often and be bold enough to do what he tells us.
We’re stepping out and doing what God has told us in our latest project (read about it here) and, frankly, it’s scary. It’s pushing us way beyond our normal limits, way out of our comfort zone – and promises to continue doing so.
What I realized though was that I’d much rather step outside of my comfort zone than tell the creator or the universe “No” or “That’ll never work” or “Sure… just give me a couple of years to prepare myself, you’ve come at a bit of a bad time”.
I want to encourage you today to be bold, be courageous, actually trust God and step out and do what He’s calling you to do despite how ‘logical’ or ‘wise’ your human mind might think it is.
A good way to start might be to prayerfully take the Faith Barista’s ‘What if’ challenge.
Then let me know what awesome things God is doing in your newly unrestrained walk with him!
Thanks, Peter. I'll try to come out of my shell and attempt to be bold! (Snort!)
Yes, I definitely think you should come out!
"I want to encourage you today to be bold, be courageous, actually trust God and step out and do what He’s calling you to do despite how ‘logical’ or ‘wise’ your human mind might think it is."
Amen! What a timely message.
Thank you!
Thanks, Dusty.
We're thinking (and blogging) the same things. Amen for you stepping out on faith! How did the interview go?
The interview went well… just waiting to see when it will go in the paper.
I agree with you. We use the same wisdom we would use in decide which car is the sensible choice for when we feel the prompting of God to do something. We break it down to see if it's possible instead of remembering that we know the God of the impossible. Great thoughts, Peter! Thanks.
… and so we get the car which is the most 'sensible choice' without listening to God 🙂
Reminds me of a story I read. A guy was living very much by faith and God was providing for him every step of the way.
He was travelling across the country doing outreach and stuff wherever he stopped. He kind of needed a new vehicle to take all of his stuff around and one day God told a couple in the city he was in to give him their vehicle.
They had a van that was still in great condition and seemed perfect for what he needed and they had just bought themselves a fancy new sports car so they didn't need the van any more.
God told them though to give him the sports car – and they did.
Defied logic but it was what God said.
He drove off in the car and was stopped at some lights and God spoke to him and said "Remember years ago when you said you'd follow me and do what I ask even though you really just wanted to buy a sports car?…. Well here it is. It's yours."
We don't know what God's planning – we just have to trust him!
Great post Peter!
Thanks, Jason. I appreciate it.
Awesome challenge Peter! God has totally been challenging me in this area this week! 🙂
Thanks, Kevin.
If God's challenging you, you should definitely take the challenge! 🙂
A great post and challenge bro'…thanks!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Jay!
What an inspiring blog you have. It is ture that most Christians are afraid to step out in faith to do God's work. Thank you for reminding us that our Lord did not give us the choise but gave us a command to go out and spread the Good News. God bless, Lloyd
Thank you, Lloyd
This is my first time to your blog, and I love this post. I am in the middle a a major "stepping out" season in my life and have been walking through and processing a lot the past few months. This really encouraged me, Peter. Thanks so much for sharing this.