A Week of Firsts

This week is (hopefully) going to be a week of firsts for me.

On Thursday June 24th, 2010, if everything goes according to plan, I’ll be picking up my new iPhone 4.. here are some of the firsts it will bring:

  1. I’ll get my first iPhone
  2. I’ll get my first Apple product
  3. It will be the first time I have ever unboxed an Apple product or have seen one unboxed in real life. I hear the packaging is quite spectacular.
  4. It will be the first time I’ve ever had a data plan on my phone.
  5. It will be the first time I’ve ever paid for a phone.
  6. It will be the first time I’ve ever gotten my hands on a product on launch day
  7. It will be the first time I’ve pre-ordered something and actually gone through with the purchase.
  8. It will be the first time I’ve installed iTunes on my laptop.
  9. It will be the first time I’ve followed the crowd and gone for a ‘popular’ phone.
  10. and finally…. it will be the first time I can play Words with Friends against all you iPod/iPhone/iPad users. BE AFRAID, be very, very afraid!

Yes, #10 is the one I’m most excited about!

Anyone want to play Words with Friends on Thursday (even if you’re not yet my friend)?