In this day and age, we have developed an entitlement mentality. In our not very humble opinions, everyone is here to SERVE us – and like medieval tyrant kings we can treat them however we want.
There is some truth to the idea that businesses need to compete for our loyalty – and wallets – because we live in a competitive economy.
There is also truth to the fact though that we should ALL remember the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you’d have them do to you.”
We seem to often forget that part and expect superb service from others while we act selfishly and obnoxiously toward them.
We demand the best whilst oftentimes giving our very worst.
Breaking The Mold
I am very blessed to have some of the best customers in the world. My customers ROCK!
Much is written about how to give great customer service but not too much is written about how to actually be a great customer. I feel incredibly fortunate to have such great customers and so today I’d like to share some of the things I see which make my customers so great:
- Understand that the person you are dealing with is human. We all have our share of difficulties and problems and the person behind the counter is human, just like you. Sure, in a perfect world, they would leave all that behind when they come to work but this isn’t a perfect world so cut them a little slack!
- Remember that they can only do what their bosses allow them to. It can be very frustrating when a company seems to be unwilling to help or fix your problem but most of the time it’s not the person on the end of the phone’s fault so don’t take your frustration out on them.
- Appreciate that if the person is a small business owner, this is their livelihood you’re talking about. Sure, a discount would always be nice and getting a few dollars cut off the bill here and there is always a good way to make you happy, but they’ve also got to put food on their family’s plates and a roof over their heads. Don’t try to bankrupt them with your demands.
- PAY PROMPTLY. Big businesses have the cash flow to cope with you not paying until the last possible moment, small businesses don’t have that luxury. Either way though, they’ve provided a product or service. Do your part. Pay up!
- Be reasonable. One of the things I love most about my customers is that they don’t often demand the impossible and when they do, they understand if I tell them I just can’t do what they’re asking. Sure, you’d like to have a flying, time-traveling car but no amount of shouting at me is going to make me able to suddenly pull one out of thin air.
- Be grateful. If someone moves heaven and earth to get you what you want, the least you can do is say “Thank You!” Dropping a not to their boss commending them for their excellent service would never hurt either.
- Be as quick to tell people the good stuff as you are the bad stuff. We all like to whine and complain to our friends, family and anyone else we can corner when we feel wronged but how often do we tell others about the good things that companies do for us? Surely companies deserve a shout-out when they do something well?
I hope that we can all become better customers.
Don’t forget… one day the roles may be reversed and you may be on the receiving end of a rude, obnoxious, abusive customer – who’s just like you!
Can you think of any other ways that we can be good customers?
Are YOU a good customer?
Write a post telling the world how the owner of a hosting company fixed your problems. 🙂
Dude you are seriously awesome.
🙂 Thanks, Bro.
You're a great customer!
Fantastic blog entry. Being in the retail field, I get a mix of customers. Some are fantastic some not so much. I hope many read this article!
Thank you!
I'm glad you found your way here and I appreciate your kind comments.
I dunno…AM I a good customer? I know I'm demanding, but I do appreciate you very much, Peter.
You're one of my inspirations for this post… you're demanding but understanding. Quick to give praise and quick to share the good things with others.
Thanks, Kathy! I appreciate you!
I try to be a good customer, but I've also worked in retail before (in college) where I was on the other end of bad customers. Great suggestions here, Peter. There's always an opportunity to shine the light of Jesus.
ok I just have to say it
Great post and I totally agree. As a coustomer that almost never conducts a transaction without using at least 3 coupons I know how easily there can be a lot of fusteration on both sides of the checkout counter. BUT the key it to be courteous, to other consumer AND to the cashiers. AND I totally agree with number two also. so if you were in a store or on the phone with person number one and you are not satisfied dont get mad at the min. wage worker, ask for their supervisor. This does not mean you will be automatically satisfied BUT
at least then you will know how willilng this company is to keep your business or if this company is not the one that will best suit your needs.
6. seems like total common sense and it amazes me the nymber of grown ups that teach their kids that and forget themselves!
and 7. Thank you for adding this and I totally agree!! I love to contact companies about helpful people or products that meet and excceed my expectations!! And I that is something companies love the most honest feedback GOOD and bad. Also if you do this for products most big company's will send you coupons to use on those products. And I'm not talking .35 or .50 sent coupons but high amounts coupons
(just as a fast example I contacted Huggies customer service and showed them a review I wrote about huggies Pull-ups and referenced it so the could see my review, within a couple of days I received a very personal and grateful email, asking me for my mailing address so they could send me a proper Thank you letter. Less than 5 days later I revieved the letter and with it 5 huggies coupons one for $9 savings and 4 for $5 savings, thats A LOT of savings just for telling honestly how awesome I think a product is!! and this is just one of the examples I have)
Love this post. I have family members with business, I don’t think many people realize the way they treat employees and business owners.
The number one reason why I remain a good customer is because I remind myself they are human. And if I was doing their job, I’d be fired by now lol