For some reason, this is a bit of a taboo subject among Christians but, frankly, I don’t care.
Tomorrow is Valentine’s day, which is a day to celebrate love.
Between a husband and a wife there are not many greater ways to show and celebrate love than to MAKE love.
Yeah, I said it. Sex is good.
Many of us, whether we like to admit it or not, wish our sex life could be a bit more interesting, a bit more exciting. In fact, most people who feel that way won’t even tell their spouse, for fear of offending them or something crazy like that.
Let’s get real though.
God made sex GOOD.
Sex Was Made Special By God
He made it enjoyable and he made it the ultimate expression of love between a woman and a man. That’s why it should be kept within marriage, because the ultimate expression of something has to be singular, you can’t have two number one’s.
If we go sleeping with every random person that we meet, then it destroys the truth of what making love conveys. It should convey that you are giving yourself physically to one person and one person only.
That person can know that they are absolutely #1 to you because you shared something with them which you shared with no-one else.
If sex is that special, then there’s no reason why it shouldn’t also be fun, enjoyable and anything but boring.
A Game For Lovers
A few years ago, I discovered a game called ‘Bliss, The Game For Lovers‘ which can help just about any husband and wife get more out of their sex life and discover more about each other than they ever knew possible.
Bliss is VERY configurable so it won’t give you anything to do that you don’t want it to and it is played as a board-style game on your computer.
If you’re looking for something a little different to get for your spouse this Valentines day, I totally recommend Bliss.
You can download it as a free trial so you can try it out before you buy, but frankly, I don’t think you’ll have any hesitation in buying it once you’ve tried it.
Have fun in the bedroom this Valentine’s day!
Bliss can be found here.
Great post, Peter!
Thanks for the suggestion … which I’ll seriously consider … maybe. (I don’t know that Song of Solomon has been exhausted yet.)
Oh yes… I forgot to add that there’s a ‘Solomon’s Delight’ Add-on pack…. 🙂
I’m still trying to put my finger on exactly what doesn’t appeal about this.
[Making love] should convey that you are giving yourself physically to one person and one person only …
If we’re calling it “making love” vs. “having sex,” why is the physical emphasized? Why did I get the feeling, looking at this game, that the emotional, intellectual, and spiritual (yes that too!) dimensions get a little shortchanged?
Maybe I’m just too female, but if there’s something new to be introduced to marital intimacy, this “game” doesn’t have a feel of the whole package.
Granted, this might simply be a topic other women don’t feel they want to comment about, but the positive feedback so far has all come from the men. I feel like I’m sticking my neck out a little here …
There is a small amount of ‘talking’ invloved but you’re right, it does focus much more heavily on the physical.
Partly, I think there is a difference to how people define ‘making love’.
To me, sex is purely selfish. If I have sex, it’s because I have a physical need that I want sated.
If I make love, on the other hand, then my focus is on meeting my wife’s physical needs. Any enjoyment I get out of it is merely a fortunate by-product.
This game helps me because it assists me in changing my focus from my needs to hers.
It does lack in the emotional, intellectual and spiritual areas but to people who need help (like me) it’s a billion times better than no game at all.
Great points you raise though, Anne!
I like where you’re going with this, Peter. Now can I take it a step further?
… sex is purely selfish … If I make love … focus is on meeting my wife’s physical needs.
Excellent definition! And, the focus and enjoyment should be mutual.
Again, only the word physical was used. The physical is plenty enjoyable. How much more so if both sides take pleasure in meeting the physical AND emotional AND intellectual AND spiritual needs in times of intimacy?
I’m not sure if I’m greedy or idealistic or something else, but I suspect that no matter how much physical pleasure there is in love-making, we’re experiencing only a fraction of the pleasure we might.
Or maybe that’s a delight for only Heaven.
Thanks for the suggestion Peter! 🙂
You’re welcome, Dustin
No arguments here, Peter! Sex is good and this looks like a fun game. 🙂 Thanks man!
🙂 You’re welcome.
I’d say ‘enjoy’ but it kind of goes without saying 🙂