I have a few disclaimers to make:
- The views expressed in this blog are not necessarily the views held by my family.
- The views expressed in this blog are not necessarily the views of the people who expressed them. I frequently write things and then look back on them at a later date and wonder what I could possibly have been thinking when I wrote them.
- This blog may reference people who are alive or dead. It is never my intent to upset, malign or in any other way offend any individual. If something I say causes undue offense, please contact me and I will do what I can to change it.
- This blog sometimes depicts events which may or may not have happened. To be honest, I have a terrible memory and so the accuracy of those events or whether or not they really even happened and I didn’t just imagine them are totally in question at all times.
Thank you.
i feel so much better now,
i am sooo with you on #2.